Free Preview - 5 Binary Search Tree Problems
Find a value in a BST
class Node:
def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None): = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
# Recursive function to insert a key into a BST
def insert(root, key):
# if the root is None, create a new node and return it
if root is None:
return Node(key)
# if the given key is less than the root node, recur for the left subtree
if key <
root.left = insert(root.left, key)
# if the given key is more than the root node, recur for the right subtree
root.right = insert(root.right, key)
return root
# Recursive function to search in a given BST
def search(root, key, parent):
# if the key is not present in the key
if root is None:
print('Key not found')
# if the key is found
if == key:
if parent is None:
print(f'The node with key {key} is root node')
elif key <
print('The given key is the left node of the node with key',
print('The given key is the right node of the node with key',
# if the given key is less than the root node, recur for the left subtree;
# otherwise, recur for the right subtree
if key <
search(root.left, key, root)
search(root.right, key, root)
keys = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 16, 25]
root = None
for key in keys:
root = insert(root, key)
search(root, 25, None)
Deletion of a node in a BST
class Node:
def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None): = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
# Function to perform inorder traversal on the BST
def inorder(root):
if root is None:
print(, end=' ')
# Function to find the maximum value node in the subtree rooted at `ptr`
def findMaximumKey(ptr):
while ptr.right:
ptr = ptr.right
return ptr
# Recursive function to insert a key into a BST
def insert(root, key):
if root is None:
return Node(key)
# if the given key is less than the root node, recur for the left subtree
if key <
root.left = insert(root.left, key)
# if the given key is more than the root node, recur for the right subtree
root.right = insert(root.right, key)
return root
# Function to delete a node from a BST
def deleteNode(root, key):
if root is None:
return root
# if the given key is less than the root node, recur for the left subtree
if key <
root.left = deleteNode(root.left, key)
# if the given key is more than the root node, recur for the right subtree
elif key >
root.right = deleteNode(root.right, key)
# key found
# Case 1: node to be deleted has no children (it is a leaf node)
if root.left is None and root.right is None:
# update root to None
return None
# Case 2: node to be deleted has two children
elif root.left and root.right:
# find its inorder predecessor node
predecessor = findMaximumKey(root.left)
# copy value of the predecessor to the current node =
# recursively delete the predecessor. Note that the
# predecessor will have at most one child (left child)
root.left = deleteNode(root.left,
# Case 3: node to be deleted has only one child
# choose a child node
child = root.left if root.left else root.right
root = child
return root
keys = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 25]
root = None
for key in keys:
root = insert(root, key)
root = deleteNode(root, 12)
Find min and max value in a BST
class Node:
def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None): = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
# Function to perform inorder traversal on the BST
def inorder(root):
if root is None:
print(, end=' ')
# Function to find the maximum value node in the subtree rooted at `ptr`
def findMaximumKey(ptr):
while ptr.right:
ptr = ptr.right
# Function to find the maximum value node in the subtree rooted at `ptr`
def findMinimumKey(ptr):
while ptr.left:
ptr = ptr.left
# Recursive function to insert a key into a BST
def insert(root, key):
if root is None:
return Node(key)
# if the given key is less than the root node, recur for the left subtree
if key <
root.left = insert(root.left, key)
# if the given key is more than the root node, recur for the right subtree
root.right = insert(root.right, key)
return root
keys = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 25]
root = None
for key in keys:
root = insert(root, key)
print("Minimum: ",findMinimumKey(root))
print("Maximum: ",findMaximumKey(root))
Find inorder successor and inorder predecessor in a BST
class Node:
def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None): = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
def insert(root, key):
if root is None:
return Node(key)
if key <
root.left = insert(root.left, key)
root.right = insert(root.right, key)
return root
def findMinimum(root):
while root.left:
root = root.left
return root
def findMaximum(root):
while root.right:
root = root.right
return root
def findSuccessor(root, succ, key):
if root is None:
return succ
# if a node with the desired value is found, the successor is the minimum value
# node in its right subtree (if any)
if == key:
if root.right:
return findMinimum(root.right)
# if the given key is less than the root node, recur for the left subtree
elif key <
# update successor to the current node before recursing in the left subtree
succ = root
return findSuccessor(root.left, succ, key)
# if the given key is more than the root node, recur for the right subtree
return findSuccessor(root.right, succ, key)
return succ
def findPredecessor(root, prec, key):
if root is None:
return prec
# if a node with the desired value is found, the predecessor is the maximum value
# node in its left subtree (if any)
if == key:
if root.left:
return findMaximum(root.left)
# if the given key is less than the root node, recur for the left subtree
elif key <
return findPredecessor(root.left, prec, key)
# if the given key is more than the root node, recur for the right subtree
# update predecessor to the current node before recursing in the right subtree
prec = root
return findPredecessor(root.right, prec, key)
return prec
keys = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 16, 25]
''' Construct the following BST
/ \
/ \
10 20
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
8 12 16 25
root = None
for key in keys:
root = insert(root, key)
# find inorder successor for each key
for key in keys:
succ = findSuccessor(root, None, key)
if succ:
print(f'The successor of node {key} is {}')
print(f'No Successor exists for node {key}')
# find inorder predecessor for each key
for key in keys:
prec = findPredecessor(root, None, key)
if prec:
print(f'Predecessor of node {key} is {}')
print('The predecessor doesn\'t exist for node', key)
Check if a tree is a BST or not
import sys
class Node:
def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None): = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
def insert(root, key):
if root is None:
return Node(key)
if key <
root.left = insert(root.left, key)
root.right = insert(root.right, key)
return root
# Function to perform inorder traversal on the given binary tree and
# check if it is a BST or not. Here, `prev` is the previously processed node
def isBST(root, prev):
# base case: empty tree is a BST
if root is None:
return True
# check if the left subtree is BST or not
left = isBST(root.left, prev)
# value of the current node should be more than that of the previous node
if <=
return False
# update previous node data and check if the right subtree is BST or not =
return left and isBST(root.right, prev)
# Function to determine whether a given binary tree is a BST
def checkForBST(node):
# pointer to store previously processed node in the inorder traversal
prev = Node(-sys.maxsize)
# check if nodes are processed in sorted order
if isBST(node, prev):
print('The tree is a BST!')
print('The tree is not a BST!')
def swap(root):
left = root.left
root.left = root.right
root.right = left
# keys = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 16, 25]
root = None
for key in keys:
root = insert(root, key)
# swap nodes
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