WYDRN is a Social Networking website where you can track your movies, TV shows, games, books, and music. The aim of this project is to provide a centralized platform to track all your favorite media, eliminating the need to use multiple platforms like IMDB, Goodreads, Steam, RateYourMusic, and TVTime. It’s one platform to rule them all! GITHUB : https://github.com/HighnessAtharva/WYDRN <!DOCTYPE html> Project Tech Stack FullStack Development with PHP and Bootstrap 5 Login, Signup, Add Media, Import and Export, Diary, Browse Media, Edit Profile, Verify Account, Upload Image, Social Follow/Unfollow, and Feed functionality Database Schema Design and management of project file hierarchy API service integration and making API requests for all 5 media types (Movies, TV, Books, Music, and Videogames) Debugging, Pagination, AJAX, URL Rerouting, Version Management, SQL Queries, System Design, Caching, Security, Templating, Exception Handling Enforcing best practices and providing template/boilerplate code for ML Models Integration of Python with PHP for designing a Machine Learning model to recommend media types to users based on their added media items Scrum Master responsibilities including reporting project developments and ensuring successful builds for every iteration <!...