Technical Debt

Technical Debt

Hey there! Ever heard of technical debt? It’s not about money or interest rates. It’s more like the little shortcuts we take when building software or systems. Imagine you’re developing a new product, and you’re excited to get it out to customers quickly. So, you build a quick prototype, and boom, it’s out there! But here’s the catch: you didn’t do all the optimal things, like adding alarms, logging, and metrics....

Cyberpunk Sci-Fi Analysis of Accelerationism

Accelerating into the Future: e/acc Ruminations

Introduction Yo, what’s good, internet? Welcome to my blog post about the wild, wild world of accelerationism. Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “Ugh, another boring article about some fancy words I don’t understand?” But hear me out, fam. This stuff is actually pretty cool, I promise. Brief overview of accelerationism Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “But wait, I thought accelerationism was just a fancy way of saying ’let’s go faster’?...