Awesome Youtube Channels I am Subscribed To

Awesome Youtube Channels I am Subscribed To

Herein lies a compilation of my most cherished YouTube channels. Having subscribed to most of these for a number of years, I make it a point to regularly tune into their content. These channels are categorized for your ease of reference, and will be continually updated as I stumble upon more gems. I invite you to share your own recommendations in the comments section below, as this list shall remain perpetual....

Awesome Podcasts I am Listening To

Awesome Podcasts I am Listening To

Allow me to present a compendium of the podcasts to which I have been attending for some duration. Through my consistent engagement with this medium, I have unearthed a trove of noteworthy podcasts. It is my intention to continue expanding this list as I encounter additional stimulating programs. Please note that this registry is not arranged in any specific sequence, and I must emphasize that it is primarily a personal memorandum rather than an article for public dissemination....

2023 Tech Stack

What I am Learning in 2023

Django Master Database Queries in Django with 40 Django ORM Exercises 🚀2023 is here, and I’m ready to blast off into the world of new tech! First up on my list is the one and only Django 🤘. This bad boy is known for its ease of use and flexibility, plus it’s got a huge community of cool kids using it. I can’t wait to dive deeper and discover all its hidden gems like the ORM, admin interface, and built-in security features....